
Wednesday, July 05, 2006

Because I'm At Work

Here's how the hair turned out (yes, I took this photo myself)...

Of course, it looks nothing like this today. I slept on it wet and am now sporting some savage cowlicks in back because I didn't have time to fix it this morning. Thankfully, it's still long enough to put put into a pig tail (twas once a pony tail but tis now the length of a sow's).

I've much more to write but that will be for later today. Hope everyone had a wonderful holiday!


jen said...

I love it! It is so cute!

Anonymous said...

I actually saw you getting into your car this morning as I drove past on the way to Central Market. I thought you hair looked so kick-ass that I said to Max, look at the pretty lady w/ the good hair. He responded "buu baaabuu geee" which I'm pretty sure is baby speak for, yes, very pretty.

Anonymous said...

Wow, gorgeous! Is there a look you CAN'T pull off?