
Tuesday, July 18, 2006

All In The Family

People, it’s freakin’ hot here. Supposed to be 101 today but feels like 11,101. Toss in 42% humidity and sprinkle on higher than usual levels of ozone and you’ve got yourself a version of hell. Thank goodness for AC and iced tea. I feel for all of those who labor outdoors this time of year. Yes, I am counting my blessings.

So I noticed the other day in my neighborhood newsletter that we are a cluster of kick ass family dwellings that TNR cats. TNR is an acronym for "trap-neuter-release.” Evidently you can distinguish these felines from the others by the 1/4" missing from one ear tip. Studies show that this is a more effective and less expensive means to control the stray and feral population. I think they should do this to sexual predators that live in our neighborhood, too...neuter them and then cut off a part of their ear so we’d know who they are from a distance. Just a thought.

Didn’t do much last night with the fam except soak them up like a dishtowel. Baby took to the stairs again (I forgot to mention that the other night when he was supposedly reading his books in his room, he was actually scaling the stairs. I stepped out for just a moment to help the dad with something in the kitchen and I thought to myself…”Hmmm, he sure is quiet.” Lo’ and behold, as I was making a dash to see where he was, I saw a flash of baby in the corner of my eye and he was making his final effort to reach the top stair! Egads! He’s a baby mountain goat!). Anyway, while I was covering him like an ump at a little league game, Willem climbed the steps. Daddy swooped by and planted a couple of kisses on Mama and evidently they were loud because Willem puckered up like a fish and started sucking air. Over and over, he made the smooching sound and it really became obvious to me how much he absorbs even when you think he’s not paying attention.

Papa made a pasta dish for dinner and let me tell you, it was delish! Proscuitto, peas, grated lemon, whipping cream…aaahhh. We also watched our all time favorite show, Anthony Bourdain’s No Reservations, who, by the way, is currently stranded in Beirut . From what I’ve read though, he’s safe, partying his skinny ass off and drinking the city dry of it’s mojito makin’s. What else would you expect from the man? Seriously though, I'm sure this is a horrific scene and one they (the crew) won't soon forget. In last night’s episode filmed in Peru, he ate grilled Guinea Pig (“Hello, classroom pet!”) and swilled a homemade beverage in which its fermentation process is begun with saliva. I gag just thinking about it. But, he has the life, no?

1 comment:

jen said...

Consider yourself lucky it hit 109 here. Talk about hell! My kids have to stay inside to play because it's so hot. They also recently learned the word "hydrate". Interesting introducing new words to your children. See all you have to look forward to?
Man I wished my husband cooked like that!
Love ya,