
Friday, August 04, 2006


Willem is the proud owner of one Baby Einstein video. He’s a pint-sized animal lover so I knew this one would be right up his alley. It goes through a series of animals in different settings, i.e. “Animals In My House,” “Animals In My Yard,” etc. This is where he learned to say “mouse” but daddy gets his panties in a wad every time he hears the little girl voice over say “mouse” because it sounds like she’s saying “muff.” I admit, it does sound like she’s saying “muff” but not that muff, I mean, much. He does his own version of the voice over with a lazy tongue and it sounds something like this, “Animaths In Mu’ Houth…muff, cath, dug,” and so on. Thankfully, W is completely absorbed by the puppets and the dancing about on the screen to notice me beating hubby with a broom to make him stop before I pee my pants laughing. There’s also a hilarious part that involves the “bug” portion of the show. A dog puppet bounces into view while a series of black dots track across the screen like a bug flying around. It sounds something like a killer bee and the dog follows it with a fly swatter in his mouth. The bug allegedly lands, the dog slowly rears back and “whack!” kills the bug. At the moment he’s about to smack it, W’s eyelashes flicker in anticipation of the attack and then he jumps out of his skin when the swatter connects. The screen fades to black and immediately after, he always says “muff.” It’s rather bizarre.

1 comment:

jen said...

I really enjoyed that. I can just see him watching in anticipation, and then "muff". So cute. Oh, and how is it dad's always catch that stuff and we just kind of let go?
Have a great weekend!