
Thursday, August 24, 2006


It’s amazing what a little sleep can do for a person. I got a nice chunk of it last night and I feel like a million pesos (subtle reference to our Mexico trip coming up this weekend!). I didn’t get there easily though as I ended the day watching a MSNBC program (and they have some of the best) about the sex trafficking of children in Cambodia. Are you kidding me? Some of these kids are 5-YEARS-OLD and selling yum yum (oral sex) for $30 to pathetic, disgusting, should be spending the rest of their lives in jail and getting it up the yen yang, pedophiles. If Bush ever did any good while making a mockery of the US it was signing in to law that if you, as an American, go to another country to have sex with minors, you will be prosecuted. I went to bed mad but easily calmed my nerves with thoughts of lounging and frolicking on the beach with the fam.

The landscape at work is changing as my team will be relocating to a studio apartment next door to the headquarters over the next week. As we gear up for another year of monumental multi-tasking and glad handing, we are finding that we all need more space to set new records and work ourselves to the brink of divorce from our spouses. Thank goodness this monster only happens once a year. For the past few days, I have been sharing my space with two New Yorkers, a German, and another European of Irish (?) origin and it’s been refreshing to have the energy around. Their presence sends home the reality of the crazy months to come. The proverbial ball is officially rolling now.

The first year landmark birthday of my son is fast approaching. I have mixed feelings about this but I will save all of that nonsense for another entry. Right now I want to point out a few changes that will –hopefully- take place just beyond the big day. I will wean W from breastfeeding and that will be hard for both of us. This hardship will also be endured by Hubby (I guess I should start capitalizing Hubby and Papa and all of the other things I call the Sig Other since he is an actual person with a Real Name). He will be the first person baby will see in the morning since that is usually the first boob nosh of the day. That should be interesting. Their relationship is rather strained but I am seeing this as an opportunity for them to become close friends and not just two ships passing in the morning.

We will be changing out the rear facing carseat for one of those front facing jobbies and I have been waiting for that for, like, ever! I will return to the passenger seat with Papa instead of being limited to back seat driving. I will be able to see what W really needs when he starts screaming in the car while I’m at the wheel instead of blindly reaching over the carseat with my hand feeling around for anything to give to the screaming banshee instead of smacking in him the face over and over in the effort to console him. I will be able to look over at him and carry on conversations to his face instead of sending him into a critical state of “I hear mommy’s voice but I can’t seeeeeee heeeeeeeeer! This is so cruel! Whaaaaaaaaaa!”

We will try to move beyond the binkie and teach him to deal with his emotions more effectively (which honestly, I don’t see working because the binkie is like the hands free nipple and I’m already taking two of those away). I remember when my youngest brother was a toddler. He was a binkie junkie and his tiny life revolved around the whereabouts of this rubber device. Even when he was potty trained he was still a binkie boy. You’d see him walking around in the backyard playing with his standard poodle/best friend with a giant bulge in his terrycloth britches. He looked like a toe headed version of Ron Jeremy. You’d ask him where is paci was and he’d happily reach in the front of his underwear, yank it out and pop it in his mouth, a triumphant grin hidden just beneath. That still makes me laugh.

I’m sure other changes will come but these are my immediate plans as W grows from infant to toddler. Man, the year has flown by.

*Note to self: There is a good chance that blog hits may increase since the words “sex trafficking." “nipple,” “Bush,” “junkie,” and “Ron Jeremy” were included in today’s entry. Yea!


jen said...

Zoe had her paci until she was 4 (only at night) and the paci fairy had to come take it. William gave it up on his own at 2. It was sad for both of them, like they grew up even more all of the sudden. Don't think you HAVE to take it from him so soon, especially with such a transition from you. I can just see your brother. That made me laugh.
Have fun on your trip!

Anonymous said...

I'm begging you not to take the pacifier away. 'Cause I don't want to do it. Ever. And I might feel guilty if you do it and I don't do it.