
Thursday, June 01, 2006

Hang On To Yourself

I'm considering an end to this blogging thing. At first I was writing for cathardic reasons but then I really started enjoying the fact that people were reading my nonsense. Now I'm wondering if it's all worth the effort. Are you still reading this? Is the Chaos At The Luau done? Let me know if I should continue. Many thanks.


Anonymous said...

Hey chica,

Yes - keep going! I check every day or other day. My mom says you are going to turn this blog into a novel and make tons of cash. She reads too, of course. There's my thought...

Oh and I forgot to write down your number and our power went out, so there went the answering machine's saved messages. Argh!


Anonymous said...

I find it very entertaining and informative. It's almost like meeting you for coffee once a week again.


Anonymous said...

I like it too... very much... and it's a good writing exercise.. you have a wonderful writing voice.
You have inspired me!!


Anonymous said...

Please keep going!

Even though I don't have your current email so I've been out of touch (sorry about that), I love checking in every week and catching up on your great writings, hectic life, and gorgeous Willem.

I miss SX, Austin, you and D. I also left NYC. Shoot me an email, I know you're super-busy but I'd love to catch up!

Anonymous said...

Yes... keep writing! I will never write another nasty comment again. I love you.

Anonymous said...

Kelly! I think you know how I feel. You should definitely keep writing. I'm sure you are busy, but updating when you can is good enough for me, and I love to see a new post. (Everyone else I know that reads your blog totally loves it, too, but no pressure.) I would be so sad if it ended. You are who I want to be when I grow up! I need a road map!

Anonymous said...

I really enjoy reading - keep it up!

Anonymous said...

I love it and check in on the regular!! You are hilarious!!

jen said...

I love you blog. It is the only way I have to keep in touch with you. I read it daily to see if you have written anything. I tried commenting after the "cake" incident and the notation said "team members only". I have been meaning to call you to let you know, but I don't know where I put your #.

jen said...

Yeah it worked! I have been trying to comment and couldn't. I was soooo sad! I just have to say I look forward to seeing new pics and I love reading your work. You have always had a knack for words. You have to keep writing or I will loose touch again...
love ya

Anonymous said...

Keep writing. It's the only way I know what's going on in my brother's life.

James Grayson said...

You are creating a written history for your family and future famly. Don't stop now, it's just beginning!

Anonymous said...


How the hell else am I supposed to keep up with you and the family if you don't call dammit............?


Anonymous said...

Keep it up Lady! Our boys are exactly one month apart in age. I love knowing what's going on in your world and Willem's compared to my own experiences as a first time Mom. Your blog has made me laugh and cry on more than a few occasions.

Hope you are well. Give your beautiful boy a kiss for me.


Anonymous said...

Hey Kelly,

I read regularly and like Iggy its the only way I keep informed on my bro and you. And ditto your bro it is not so easy getting you guys via telephone :) You are very funny and engaging and I love reading your stuff. I am waiting for the book too! -AngieZuniga