I had an appointment with my new girly-parts doctor today. I have officially fired my other one because I ultimately feel that I was overly encouraged to have a c-section, his meter was always ticking, and I never really got to see him personally anyway. The new doc is an attractive blonde with a no muss, no fuss sensibility. I need that. “Just tell me the facts, ma’am.” I also needed to address this libido-less land I live in, the one that will soon send my husband swimming for an island all his own. She gave me a script for birth control. She said it would dry up the leche production a bit but in order for my plumbing to get back to normal (i.e. I’ve had no period since December 2004, people!) I need to lessen the feedings anyway. It’s sort of a chain reation…take pills, lessen feedings, wean baby, become psycho PMSer until next baby. I hope the pills will actually have something to do. Last week, after an exhausting discussion with hubby about the very subject of my absentee ‘ho-ness, (maybe I could put a picture of it on a milk carton…Missing since December 2004. If spotted, please call her husband immediately!) we had a roll in the hay. He LOVED it and I am glad but he can’t be getting his hopes up for a repeat performance too soon (sorry, dear). At least he knows mama’s still got it (somewhere deep inside, like next to her pinkie toe)!
This past weekend was hubby’s mom’s 80th birthday celebration in Laredo, Texas. Yes, I said 80. And she had 10 children BUT she has a relative (sister?) that had 21. 21 kids! How do you explain that? 21! Now that I think about it I can better understand why my husband’s so crestfallen about our sans-sexual situation since many of his family members spend most of their childbearing years making more family members.
This is his mom. We can all hope that we are this alive, happy, and cuttin' a rug when we reach her milestone.

She stayed until hubby’s band played the last note somewhere around 1 a.m. I had long gone to make sure my kid was okay with the neighbor/sitter. Daddy and nephew thought it would be funny to plant seeds in my head on the way to the party that the sitter would be taking my bambino across the border for some ransom en pesos. Not a wise idea. With the state of the border the way it is, anything is possible, especially in my mind. At the party, a relative told me that they had just stopped by the house and no one was there…no sitter, no baby. I marched over to the bar and prayed to God as I waited on a baptistism by Cuba Libre. I found baby to be asleep and unscathed upon my return later that evening.
Willem is going through a super-duper “I’m a junkie for mommy” stage that has left claw marks on parts of my flesh. It was especially unnerving when surrounded by family members wanting to snatch a piece of him. He freaked every time. Even began to come unglued when daddy took off with him. As he’d toddle around the house, I'd let a member of the fam slip their fingers in his grasp but when he realized he’d been given the ol’ switcheroo, he’d keep walking but while wailing like he'd been sentenced to the time out chair for life. It was quite pitiful.
Here he is practicing a look daddy must’ve taught him that says, “You spent HOW MUCH at Target?”

Here he is working on his guitar noodling.

So the one year anniversary for this blog is in a couple of days. Why give it up now? Thanks again for reading and commenting. I hope everyone gets something out of this. I certainly do.
Until tomorrow...
Thank you for not throwing in the towel...or burp cloth, whatever is closest.
Wow, possibly another baby. If I can give a piece of "learned the hard way" advice. Wait til the 1st one is at least 1 year. We jumped the gun and ours ended up 17 months apart. CRAZINESS!! Well at least for me. In my older years I seem to have less patience.
So glad you are still blogging! I STILL have a gift for you and it looks like by the baby pic you might enjoy it. My e-mail is jdpittsinger@hotmail.com. Send me your address so you can start enjoying it.
love ya
keep on trucking!
I left a comment but it didn't show up. So I am leaving this one in hopes you will see it and read my previous comment.
I hope that makes sense.
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