We went to a “sip-n-see” yesterday to meet the lovely Julia in person. Please take a moment to gaze at her sweetness…

I handed Willem to Julia’s daddy so I could hold her small frame. She was as light as an empty shoebox and almost small enough to fit in one. You forget how delicate and weightless they are as such a young age. Willem got his diaper in a wad seeing me cooing at this tiny beauty and he was very concerned when he saw me across the room out of his reach. It was the first time I had witnessed this mommy craving behavior and it made me swoon. We went outside where all of the little boys of other families were playing and I stuck Willem in his first swing ride. I think I better get the boy one stat. He loved it. I had to ask assistance in freeing him though. I couldn’t figure out how to get the yellow thing up.

On another note, I have to admit that sometimes when I reread a series of blogs I’ve written, I realize how different my life is now and that’s when I break into the liquor cabinet with my teeth. No seriously, it’s interesting how much things change when you bring a person into the world and then you have to hang out with them…a lot…or go into debt having someone else hang with them. Don’t get me wrong, I love all that I have and yes, I know the kiddo will be stealing my car keys in the middle of the night soon enough but I do miss my happy hour Fridays with girlfriends, the jet set weekends, being the first person in line at a Last Call sale, catching a movie in a theater and SLEEPING LATE. Mostly I just miss sleeping late.
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