This month you introduced me to the world of infant ailments and I blame your daycare for nearly all of them. Although your infant room is a completely detached structure about 200 yards from where the bigger kids swap diseases, it must have some sort of water slide-like contraption that shunts illnesses in your direction. I'm sure the other babies in your room have been sharing with you the same germ crusted toys that they eagerly poke in and out of their mouths, too. I’d take your tiny behind out of there if I really didn’t think that you do love being among other short people and the teachers there. You just let me know when you’ve had enough. In the meantime, I’ll put up with that runny nose for a little while longer.
This is the time of year at work when I become ridiculously busy and get to see you less and less and it breaks my heart in two. When I have you in my arms at the end of each day, it’s all I can do to not swallow you whole. I’d put you in our bed every night if I thought daddy would allow it but he’s already being patient enough to wait until I put you in your own bed before he gets wifey on his watch. Speaking of daddy, it seems you two are building a wonderful bond all your own and I just love it when you flash him that dimple framed gummy smile in recognition. I know the both of you had a rough go of it in the beginning but things seem to be falling in to place now. That is such a relief.
You are getting long and lean and your features are becoming more and more defined. I can almost imagine what you will look like as a young man and I know you will be giving the male population a run for its money some day. You already have a gaggle of girls awaiting your eighteenth birthday. I will buy you a big stick with my face carved on the end of it as a gift so you can effectively beat them off.
Your favorite toy right now is your sock monkey. You cling to it like a baby monkey yourself. You have gotten more mobile in your crib and can almost make a complete counter clockwise rotation throughout the night. On many occasions though, you don’t make it past the 10 o’clock position because your big head gets stuck in front of your crib aquarium. Often I have to come rescue you from the thing clicking on and off, on and off, fish going up and down, songs bonging on and off, the lights strobing like a disco because you’re tapping it with your forehead every time you move. It’s sadly amusing.
You’re still a lover of the water and when I turn you over on your yellow sponge raft on to your belly, you kick and wiggle with ferocity. You’ve inhaled enough water to know that sticking your face in it is a bad idea. You’ve really grown to despise the post bath ritual when I put the lavender baby lotion on your body. As soon as I grab the tube and flip it open, you start squinting and blinking and making gagging sounds. Lately, you do that when I grab anything because you hate the lotion so much. Mommy thinks it’s funny.
This weekend, we have been battling your first fever and it has completely freaked me out. You have been a sweet lump of heat in my arms and although I can tell you are miserable, you have been an angel through it all. Unfortunately, your daddy had to go play some shows out of town and hasn’t been around but I can tell he is extremely worried and can’t wait to get home to hold you and kiss you and make you feel safe. We both want you to feel that way and to know that we are here for you always.
Love, Mom

1 comment:
i am so glad you are savoring ever minute of this. It goes by so fast. Don't worry too much, he will be fine. Babies bounce back fast, but I know it doesn't make it any easier to know they feel bad. It is such a cool thing that you are keeping such a great diary for him. I wish I would have done the same.
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