Somehow I have managed well with baby sans papa since Saturday. I am surprised only because a) I'm super freakin' busy at work and come home completely whooped, b) baby's much more of a wiggle worm/nosey bird these days and has to be in all the business around him, and c) yesterday my sitter was sick which meant I had to find someone last minute who could only stay 2.5 hours giving me enough time at the office to completely freak out over the workload I couldn't address. It all played out well and I was able to juggle baby, answer emails, figure some budgets from home, AND heat up a TV dinner before passing out at 10:30. I think I'm earning one of those t-shirt/cape combos that Super Moms wear (I'll take mine bedazzled, thank you). One bit of concern though, and all of you baby mommas lend me some advice, I was feeding Willem at 3 a.m., sitting on the floor of his bedroom and he knocks out two full boobs no prob. He does, however, within minutes of eating barf up the contents of his tummy like an opened faucet all over me (which is fine, really). He's never done that quantity before but wait, I'm not done. He now has a bad case of diarrhea and came home from school with diaper rash. I'm so sad for his little bottom. Evidently he had many diaper changes today. So what do I do besides rub balm on his tiny buttocks? Oh, no fever by the way, and he acts like there's nothing wrong, my little champ.
This morning I had on Sesame Street which I haven't seen in eons. Because I was raised on the muppet fodder, I feel it's okay for my kid to watch. Willem only occasionally tunes in though between gnawing the legs of his stuffed calamari or sucking the life out of his musical dog with crunchy ears. Norah Jones was on the show. Her guitar player is a good friend of ours (and a great guy by the way..."Hi Adam!"). It was hilarious because she was sitting at a piano talking to an Elmo-like creature or maybe it was Elmo. I dunno. Anyway, she was sad because the letter "Y" never showed up to see her so she played one of her hits and sang, "I don't know why "Y" didn't come." It was so hokey. I wonder how much Sesame Street pays musicians ? Probably not much because that street is still such a dump.
Daddy comes home tomorrow but there won't be any date night. I have to work late. Oh, I forgot to mention that on our first date night, the one where I pretended to be Elmer Fudd, we were so hopped up on vino and marital bliss that we didn't pay the sitter. I guess we were like, "Hey, thanks for sitting with the kid. Cute, ain't he? I'm sure he was no trouble. Whew, we're beat. Thanks again. Okay. See ya!" Click. When she wrote down her hours later in the week, she included date night and I couldn't believe we didn't pay her. So we're still trying to get the hang of this parenting thing. Don't worry. She got her money and she still likes us.
Willem's "When are you going to put away that flashing thing in your hand and take me on a stroller walk?" face.

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