My dear child,
This past Sunday, you turned one (and your papa went kicking and screaming into his 40’s). Happy Birthday! I honestly can’t believe that you made it this far without one of us maiming you or leaving you behind somewhere. When you were a wee one, I often dreamed that I forgot where I put you last. The first night back home from our Mexico vacation, I woke up to the sound of you crying in the distance (downstairs in your crib) and I jumped out of bed and raced off to look for you on the beach because your silly mama thought she was still on vacation. Your super duper attachment to me (i.e. future topic for teen therapy) will not allow for such an event but lately, as I expected, you have become a little more adventurous. The other day you charged across the neighbor’s lawn and would’ve trudged further, if I’d let you. Instead, you gave me a peek into your “Terrible Twos” and fought me like a pissed off cat about to be bathed. I fear you will be my little tantrum tyrant in just a couple of months since you have managed to surpass many milestones reserved for kiddos older than you.

You will chat with anyone that listens after the initial shyness wears off. You seem to speak in tongues and try to turn them to the Lord or Lord knows what. You gesture like a used car dealer and almost convince many that you have something to sell. Sometimes I think you are actually speaking of something credible as you raise your eyebrows, show me the palm of your hands and then raise them to the sky. Weird.
Thanks to daddy’s genetics you have one of the biggest heads I’ve ever seen but unless you’re at the right angle it’s hard to notice. I’m amazed that your tiny frame can support such a noggin but mommy’s genetics gave you a giant toe on each foot so you can avoid listing too far to the left or right. When you were en utero, we used to imagine that you would inherit the worst of our body parts…beady eyes, double chin, mismatched lips, pear shaped body, etc. but to our surprise you got the best pieces and then some! Like where in the hell did you get those deadly dimples?

We are so blessed to have such a good baby. We are also so blessed your conception worked like clockwork. I picked the weekend and held your father hostage. I really don’t think he minded too much. Many weeks later, I purchased a pregnancy test from the drug store and hurried home. Your papa was rehearsing with his band and wasn’t around when the results came in but a part of me didn’t believe I was pregnant anyway. The test came back inconclusive meaning it wasn’t a plus or a minus but a line going up and down. I thought I had failed the test and threw it away but something (your tiny voice perhaps) made me take it again and, wow, the same confusing result but way down in the corner of the instruction sheet inside the box was a picture of exactly what I saw on the stick and it said, “Go get diapers now.” I was thrilled, shocked, and terrified. Here began the start of your mommy’s sobriety, and child-o-mine, I missed my Prosecco so much I considered making that your name.

Since day one you have made me look like I knew what the hell I was doing as a parent when, in reality, I was petrified and hoped the medication in the delivery room never wore off. You have grown so fast and that’s the hardest part. You listen and learn from our direction and have mastered mounting and dismounting any stairs, our tall bed and things that double as steps to things you want to reach way up high. You shake your head no a lot but I think your just experimenting with a theory of momentum, balance and velocity. Very likely with a head that size. You’re favorite word is “Nnnnnnnaked” and you are still buddies with Jelly Cat. You push anything if you discover it has wheels and you inspect them like a mechanic. You officially have three teeth; two bottom and one upper which makes you look, um, silly. There’s no denying that you are beautiful and many people, especially strangers, agree. We have been to other countries and women swoop out of nowhere to hug you and kiss you. I have learned to live with this but I’m considering charging a fee on future trips.
You are innately good-hearted, kind and affectionate. You have brought joy and hilarity into our world and just about stolen the show from your proud papa. You have brightened everything about our lives and have given each day such value. We love you with every ounce of who we are and we can’t wait to see just who you will turn out to be. You are lucky to have parents like us who could care less if you decided to be a cabaret singing drag queen or a greedy Wall Street broker. Just work hard on your dreams and be the best. Thank you for being our little W.

Beautifully put. He is a handsome birthday boy! A belated Happy Birthday to both of the men in your life. - Pop
That was really beautiful. He's got a great mama!
love ya
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