Feeling rejuvenated, revitalized and ready to get back to the salt mine. I know that I will be eating those words, by the way, but that’s what a week at an all-inclusive resort can do for one’s fatigued and depressed spirit. I did absolutely nothing except hang with the fam in a nicely contained, polished, and appealing environment that was so un-Mexico, it felt dirty. Papa explored the world beyond the compound but I was happy just to sit or lay on my duff and soak up the booze, sun and surf. Of course, to clarify, hanging with a walking child actually means keeping him out of the surf as he thinks he can just wade right in and take on the high seas. The beach to the water’s edge might has of well had been a runway to aquatic delights. Baby was fearless around the water. It was harrowing but we got the hang of his ambitious desires and kept a tight grip on his little hands. Although he strutted around in macho swim trunks, he was still constantly mistaken for a little girl. Huh? Okay, I admit there were times when he was donning the Dora diaper and he assumed a feminine edge but I don’t think that makes him look girlish, does it?

On many days than I care to count, my little boy/girl child awoke around the 5 a.m. hour on this trip. I guess I forgot to remind him that vaca means we all get to sleep in. Instead, we hiked the resort property in the dark and waited for the sun to come up. The first two mornings, it was nice to witness the ball of light swell over the oceanic horizon but it soon became a scene of under the breath cursing and reminding myself that once again, we have beaten the sun up. The staff barely stirs at that hour for Christ’s sake! Anyway, we were always the first ones to breakfast so the vittles weren’t too buffet baked yet and the crew was always happy to see us. We didn’t get in to any bad weather ‘cept for the one evening when we got a sitter for W. Thankfully, I had decided against the sunset sailing champagne cruise (vomit-a-rama) because cats and dogs fell from the sky just after dark. We had already landed in an alfresco, funky tiki-esque bar and dug into rockin’ ceviche and margaritas. Papa and I cozied up on the retro sofa and together watched the world get wet and shiny. It was wonderful.
After about a week though, the Ground Hog Day notion of repetition creeps in and things become a little too familiar and your spirit starts to get a little jaded. Despite the all access, all inclusive, all you can enjoy prefab world of resort living, we were ready to come home to the familiar roots that we have personally shoved into the earth. Home, sweet home is all too true.
So this weekend, Papa turns 40 and W turns 1. Big deals up in here, people. Landmark stuff. I’ll be posting one of those sentimental “I heart my boys” entries soon so fair warning. If you live in my city and you personally know me and you, for some crazy reason, read this blog, you are invited to come to our house this Saturday night for some libations. We are doing a family dinner and then it’s open to the public. Bring your mugs.
Here are some shots from the trip. Missed y’all.
P.S. W's newest word is "Nnnnnnnaked" and he says it with about 3 seconds of the letter N. It must come from the bathtime part of the day when I say "Let's get naked" before sticking him in the tub. It's totally cute.
Just what the baby ordered.

Papa waiting on miniature cabana baby to bring him a Pina Colada.

Mr. Nappers in tha' house.

We will be investing in a hammock. This thing works on sleepy babies.

Thank you, Miss Wendielu, and dang it, I sure do miss you (sounds like lyrics to a song, no?). Keep up the weigh losin' and embrace the Nashville autumns for me. That was the best time of year there.
Looks and sounds like an awesome trip. I wish we could be there for the birthday parties! Tell them we said Happy Birthday! We'll see you the next weekend. Can't wait!
love ya!
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