We didn’t do much last night. I was feeling like hell. “Thanks allergy season!” Our dinner for the evening in front of the boob tube was Amy’s Vegetable Lasagna which is WONDERFUL!

I couldn’t make veggie lasagna this good or this relatively healthy. After baby crashed for the night, I put my cranky butt to bed and called it a day but not before I decided to fire my current hair stylist. Yeah, I know, I’ve sung the salon’s praises in the past but the location isn’t convenient for me, the cost is equivalent to 13 jumbo packages of diapers and my stylist is always running behind schedule. My appointment was cancelled yesterday due to a family emergency (not my family - I do hope everything is okay) so, after reading some reviews online, I made an appointment at Sage. I’m getting my locks cut above the shoulders a la Nicole Richie so my fingers are crossed that it will go well. It’s a lot to ask of someone who has never cut my hair and doesn’t know me. The girl I’m going to uses a dry cut method (sounds like hay baling) and as described to me, allows for better understanding of the natural movement of the hair and of its texture, cow licks, etc. I’ll let you know how it goes.
We head out of town tomorrow for a much needed vacation (at least I know I need one – daddy’s ending one and starting another – it’s hard to be daddy). We’re going to the Texas coast where it’s forecasted rain the whole time we are there. I hope for the sake of my sanity this will not be the case. When it rains at said coast, there is nothing to do and I’m not being overdramatic here. There’s only so much Monopoly, Scrabble and drinking in the closet one can do before laws get broken. We’re going with my brother-in-law and his brood so that’s a high note. I just hope cabin fever doesn’t get me banished from the family for good. Stay tuned for the highlight reel.