I returned to my doctor's office for the first time in over eight months the other day. I had that annual appointment that all the ladies eagerly sign up for. It was strange going in without that giddy "I'm with child" sensation or the "someone get this thing out of me" awareness. Round bellies peeked out from underneath sheets that double as shirts and the daddies held court in line at the in-office coffee shop (genius idea, that coffeeshop). I watched as couples left the office with their VHS videos of sonograms in hand, blissful smiles on their faces as they strolled out. I remember floating in that bubble of disbelief and enchantment that I was preggers and growing a person in my person. It still blows my mind every time I look at my little guy that with a little bit of DNA and sexual healing, I cooked him up. He turned eight months old on last Saturday and I remember the first few days of his life vividly with his tiny body bundled like a burrito in my arms, helpless but so full of life. The other day he said "Dada" in front of Dada and we both freaked. Words! Sounds that resemble words! His raspy voice says "Bababakeekeekee" all of the time and I could sit and listen for hours.
The thrush monster came and attacked me and baby last week. We are still coating our parts (his mouth, my boob kegs) with fruit flavored meds. Really gross little fungus. It's like athletes feet of the mouth (and nips). He has now hatched a cough that I’m sure will evolve into a cold. Daddy has doubled up on the Echinacea.
Got this handy critter off of ebay. Willem loves it. Squeeze its beak and it quacks. Fill it in a quarter of the time it takes to fill the tub. He wraps his tiny arms around the duck's head when I stand him up to wash his below the waist region. It's hard to get him to sit back down though. He'd prefer to stand there and pat the mammoth rubber duck on the head 'til his toes wrinkle like prunes.

Speaking of wrinkled prunes, I still have no libido. It’s awful and strange and frustrating. It’s the complete opposite of who I used to be and God I hope it’s not who I will always be. Fingers crossed for some positive roll in the hay type of changes soon. This can’t go on forever, right?
I still get nostalgic going back to the Baby Factory and I still miss the monthly relationship with my OB/GYN (although he lives across the street from my mother and I see him regularly off the table)
Getting an IUD was a relief after 3 years of pregnancy.
Wish I could offer you more hope about the libido... weening made all the difference for me(well enough to get pregnant again)
I have to agree with the weening strategy, but it can have another side effect also. Another baby. That's what happened to us. I know what you mean about not feeling like yourself. Mommyhood just does that to you. You become a different person. Someone you truely can't understand that exists until you have children. Still confuses me. As far as libdo, mine used to be great, but now 2 kids later... it's better but comes and goes. Don't know if that helped any. Good luck!
call me soon!
Hey there!
I am getting ready to get pregnant and could use your advice. Can you buzz me???
Beth (aka Ruthann's kid)
Happy Birthday!!!!
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