Okay, so W is the only kid in the running for the award but this time he REALLY deserves it.
I'm still nervous about the idea of having someone come babysit my son. I know that I would be out on the town dancing on bars with tequila shots squashed in my new found cleavage and not enjoying it one bit while watching the time drag by like a two-legged dog. Therefore, I didn't plan to attend hubby's brave musical performance last night at Hyde Park Theater and went about my evening as per the usual course. W and I kissed daddy goodbye, took a bath, played on the floor gym mat thingie and he was soon asleep around his usual time. Within the hour, he was awake and letting me know he wasn't too happy. I repositioned him in his bed and patted his back until he was out again. It was only a few minutes later when he was letting me have it with a high-pitched screech. It's the one that only dogs and I can hear. This time he wasn't interested in sleep so we hung out at his changing table for a while like two old pals at a bar sharing whiskeys and talked about sock monkeys. I noticed the time, decided to dress him in proper britches of the non-sweat variety and stuffed him in the car seat with Hyde Park in our sight. Upon arrival, he was quickly embraced by a friend's mother whose shriveled elder ovaries swelled upon making contact. We took our seats and the musical began with Willem drifing off to sleep on my chest. To my surprise, he slept through the entire performance, intermission and all! I cringed with every sax blow and actor bellow knowing for sure that he'd awaken and we'd have to leave but that never happened. I was able to enjoy both the performance and my sleeping child. When it was all over and the tears of laughter had dried, I took a groggy baby home and tucked him in. He even slept through a post-musical party that lasted until 2 a.m. (I turned in at midnight). I count my baby blessings every day and know that at any moment the other shoe could drop and he could turn into the Prince Of Darkness but until that day comes, I'm going to keep pressing my luck and love every minute of it.
1 comment:
Speaking of baby awards......W gets another one becasue last night in my dream, he was speaking in full sentences already!! The thing that stood out the most is that he told ME, "I love you."
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