This Thursday, Turkey Day, we are compromising all levels of composure and sanity we have been maintaining the past nine weeks as we place our butts in the seats of an airplane and fly to Madrid, Spain. This includes baby's butt. Very few people think this trip is possible with an infant and think we have lost our marbles. Those people should get out more.
In preparation for the journey, I have been taking baby everywhere I go to get him acclimated to the feeling of adventure, the outdoors and lots of people. As a matter of fact, he's a much better kid out and about than at home where he gets bored by redundant scenery. I hope this translates well in Spain. He's going to be on the go with us. Have boob, will travel.
Last night marked a significant moment in my life as a mom. I actually dropped the baby off at my brother-in-law's house and went out for an adult evening of vino and fine cuisine with hubby at
Zoot. It was, however, one of the most painful things I've done. Willem busted a nut in his carseat en route so by the time we got there, he was rather rabid. I was completely unnerved and upset. It's a physical and emotional response that Mother Nature has sewn into a mother's wiring. I was looking forward to stepping out in my big girl shoes and propped up cleavage but my heart had been steeped in baby sobs so it was hard to leave him behind. I did finally make it to the event after practically being shoved out the door. The purpose of the evening was benefit-related and hubby was performing at the end of the noshing (and trust me, his performance isn't limited to the stage...dinner was VERY interesting) but I was there for the adult conversation and a real meal. The crowd was VERY white (and hubby managed to ruffle a few feathers with some nasty Bush comments) but there were a couple of colorful characters, one being the very talented
Anthony Nak. He was wearing a conservative button down shirt with stitching on the pocket that read "God Loves Even Me." Nice. At 10:30, I raced to retieve my son and got home feeling like the cat that ate the canary (and foie gras, skate, duck, and chocolate cake). I had made it through and only thought of baby every OTHER minute. As I was pumping to dump in the darkness of the bedroom, I did realize that even though I've been stuck in this baby bubble for the past nine weeks, I really do like it here.