
Monday, April 07, 2008

Milestones And Regressions

-“No, I don’t want (specific item)…I want, I want (specific item)!” - Oh, how I love my son and oh, how he can drive completely insane. Is it normal for him to be the most conflicted, wishy-washy tike on the planet?

-“You’re the BAD GUY, mommy!” This is what he says to me when he’s mad at me. I’ve been the bad guy a lot lately.

-This morning he was looking for a key to his toy suitcase and he remembered that it was outside on the lawn chair. HE remembered! Pretty freakin’ awesome milestone.

-‘Memba that haircut I mentioned he needed to tame his expanding mullet? Yeah, well that trip went really bad. He screamed and cried the entire time. I’ve since had to work on his noggin’ while he naps.

-We’re back to a battle of wills in the bathtub. I’m sure the neighbors think I’m skinning him alive.

-What was W’s food of choice all day yesterday? Cheerios. All. Friggin’. Day. Oh, and what time did he finally go down for his nap. 6:30 p.m. Yeah, we got this sleeping thing all figured out. Not.

-W surprised us yesterday when he actually hit his giant plastic baseball with his giant plastic bat several times. The Hubs was an impressive pitcher, too. I mean, it takes guts to stand two feet in front of a tot swinging a bat.


James Grayson said...

Sounds like he's right on track to me. Julia has taken to screaming at James and me "I'm not going to be your friend ever again!", which we're pretty sure is the two year old equivalent to "F... Off!". Glad to see you're back to blogging, miss you terribly. Girls' night out April 19th, you up for it? Love you! Steph

Anonymous said...

I knew my boy had some athleticism in him! ;) See, those Cubs games we watched last summer paid off!

Kelly R. said...

Oh Steph, will you never blog? Seriously, you are one of the funniest people I know. Please?

And I'll let you know about the 19th and I still have your graduation gift, too. I'm a schmuck.