
Friday, May 11, 2007

Good Morning Cyclops

I awoke this morning with the eye grunge that W has been harboring the past week. It’s just in one eye though, one really pissed off, puffed up eye. Nice. When W is down with some bug, I rally my troop of mamas for info and advice. This is always a great plan of action for me because I learn something new every time. Like this for example. I didn’t know that every Thursday this site is updated with the latest bugs that are going around the city. And wouldn’t you know it, W had exactly what they described, that adenovirus crap. I guess I should put the fifth disease as the next thing he’s going to get since it’s listed there. I mean, he’s cleaning up on everything a child can get. Maybe we can get them all knocked out before his 2nd birthday and then he’ll be uber immune toddler. One can hope.


jen said...

Think of it this way, by the time he gets to kindergarten he will be totally immune to everything. Who needs booster shots!

zuniga8 said...

Great! and you didn't mention the lice eggs...let's not forget the lice eggs! Yuck! Good thing W doesn't have really thick hair! Ashley said she got them as a kid and does have the hair and it was ridiculous trying to get rid of them. Have a great weekend and Happy Mother's Day-I got you a little something from Port A.

Bookhart said...

I echo Jen--because W.B. has hardly missed a day of school due to regular kid illnesses since he started "real" school.

OTOH, I caught pink eye EVERY TIME it showed up in his daycare. Even if he didn't get it.

And, knock wood, we've so far evaded lice. I'm sure they are in our future.