Spent a long, relaxing weekend with family outside of Big D. Mucho fun-o until the rancid jalapeno hot dog weiners invaded the bodies of my mom and her boyf. Ugly scene, folks. My little bro, who is an EMT, made the living room look like an ER with mom hooked up to an IV and meds scattered about. Yikes. Those weiners were the only thing the kiddo and I didn't eat. Whew!
Today. Today it was very quiet in the house. Eerily quiet. The tot spent the day at school, the Hubs is out of town. My brain, however, was not quiet. It was a whirly dervish of activity, concerns, ideas, chaos. If you could mic my brain matter it could easily be mistaken for a morning on Wall Street. The new event planning business is great but I never leave the office. Never. And thanks to my iPhone, I, again, never leave the office. I work constantly, at all hours because I can, because my office is in my house or on my phone wherever I am and I can’t help but look at my emails 5,000 times a day. I like my boss though. She’s cool with watching taped episodes of Bourdain in the morning while drinking carrot juice in her pajamas and tries her best not to check email and send out inquires and other correspondence for 5 freakin’ minutes. Impossible. Oh, and another small gift of being your own boss? Last minute opening at hair salon means you can get you butt in there pronto! Last time I got my hair did? October. Good-bye roots! Hello colored hair shafts that stand at attention!
(So I’ve been trying to write this for the last 25 minutes but the dog and child have been rough housing and it’s very distracting like “Godzilla in your living room” distracting. I think it’s good for both of them to play, wear each other out until…until W gets “hurt” and gets as mad as a hornet's nest and chases poor Ruby Tuesday like he’s going to skin her alive but instead gives up and breaks down in tears of frustration and exhaustion. And you know what I do? I yell at both of them because blogging is hard, people! I yell loud enough for folks in Mexico to hear me and I am not proud of myself. I have to go hug both of them now.)
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