W has always had a dreamy head of hair and as it grew, I would merely snip a little here and a little there and the overall loveliness would still be intact. In the beginning, trimming it was an adventure in my latent desires to do rockstar makeovers. Lately, he's been too defiant and combative about the much needed trim and as a result he comes out looking like the I gnawed the hairs off. I really managed to butcher his bangs a week ago so some serious intervention was in order. I took him to
Bird's Barbershop as I was certain the bright lights, rock music and video games would be familiar and comforting to him. Ummm...no.
Yes, I did his bangs. So, so sorry son.

The stylist had to consciously avoid snipping that HUGE bottom lip.

"Hmmm...okay. This isn't so bad."

I guess he preferred the Bird's sticker instead of his new 'do.
That bottom lip is KILLING me.
Too damn cute! We love the Birds for the kiddos and I love getting a round on Galaga.
That is adorable!
Wow! I never noticed a resemblance before but there is a picture of Silvia at a younger age with tears streaming down her face and the same haircut and W looks so much like her! Freaky and yes oh so cute.
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