Holy shit (I originally wrote "Oh my goodness" at the beginning of this paragraph but I wasn't feelin' it), it's been crazy at work and as was mentioned in a staff meeting this afternoon, we are approaching the top of the rollercoaster and soon we will be in free fall mode. This event planning business was birthed only last year and we cranked out 15 parties in nine days. The three members of the team (that includes me) thought that was an incredible feat. Well, this year we have, read it, 72 parties to host in that same amount of time with the same three people at the helm. At the moment, we are in freak out mode as the first party will be punted to our guests and clients on March 9th. After that, it's 10 straight days of this 24/7 nightmare (I say that affectionately). Current state of mind? Numb and calm (and this is without alcohol or medication...at the moment).
On the homefront, it's the same sweet predictable affair and I embrace every familiar minute. Baby has grown increasingly curious about things and it's all I can do to keep from whacking him in doorways and into walls as he arches his body and reaches for anything in his line of vision. Peek-A-Boo or just Boo! is his new favorite game and I get a kick at how quickly he forgets that I have just disappeared and when I reappear, he jumps out of his skin. This all happens in two second rotations. He loves Chicken Neck (where you kiss him and poke your chin in his neck while making a clucking sound) and a tiny blue elephant is his new favorite toy. Sock Monkey is on the back burner now and I happened to find him all alone face down in the driveway this morning. He either fell out of the diaper bag or barely made it home after a bender. We have moved on to Stage 1 baby foods with mixed results. Willem likes the orange veggies and tolerates the green ones. Fruit isn't his thing and it's always a good idea to feed him when he's seriously hungry or risk being sprayed like a bug inspectors wand with pureed vittles. His bouncy chair that I feed him in and the surrounding wall is peppered with his nibbles. I have a collection of clothes with the same Jackson Pollock-esque detailing via his mouth. It's very frustrating. On a few occasions, he eats well and there is peace and harmony in all the world.
So it's barely 9 pm on a Saturday night and I'm turning in soon. It's really sad. Of course, I have to be up around 6 (after a 4 am feeding) but I plan to spend a portion of the morning at (insert the sound of angels singing here) Target. In the meantime, if anyone sees my old life, please tell it I miss it...a little.
P.S. Congratulations to my brother and his wife on the birth of their second daughter at 5 a.m. this morning! "Phoebe Elyse, welcome to the world!"
P.P.S. And here is baby...
Welcome to Dimple Central.

This is baby in bed reading to daddy...

Notice that daddy is not only NOT listening with his face covered but is also wearing earplugs. Everyone together now..."Baaaaaad Dad!"

all I can say is WOW on your job and schedule. sounds insanely crazy, but fun at the same time.
I love reading how Willem is growing. Brings back fond memories. congrats to your brother, and what a beautiful name!
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