I want to apologize to all that read my blog for not keeping it up to date. A list of excuses would normally follow this sentence but I won’t bore you with the details.
Junebug is due to arrive within the next 4 1/2 weeks. I really can’t believe that this little person will come out of MY body, recognize my voice, and let me take it home to care for FOREVER. I can’t verbalize how surreal this really is. It's crazy that we get to name it, too! A much different opportunity so unlike naming the historical collection of dogs, cats, gerbils, horses, chickens, snakes, and so forth that I’ve loved in my lifetime. Smokey, Pokey, Oso, Stubby, Checkers, Babo, Kelly’s Dream (yes, I had a horse by that name). Our baby name decisions so far? Edie Allende Zuniga and Willem Joaquin Zuniga. If you love the choices, then you can see the baby someday. If you dislike them, then you can kiss my buns.

Latest personal pregger developments? I have the longest fingernails EVER! They’re talons and it wears me out to file them. I do it in shifts. About two nails at a time then I check my pulse, drink some water, stretch the filing arm and crack my neck before starting again. I also have to confess what a goddess vision I am to behold in the mornings now. As a result of this stage of pregnancy, I find the right side of my body puffy with water retention. Huge right foot, sausage fingers, and an eye resembling a middleweight boxer’s after a punch in the socket. Add to this a mess of hair that was put to be wet and I am a vision of horror, an ogre of the a.m. Thank goodness my husband is usually still barely awake when I dash off to hide the offending nightly developments. Jealous? Oh, I can't wear my wedding rings now so I'm embracing the unwedded mother look, too.
So what’s happened lately? Well, last Saturday we moved again. This time we relocated from our cozy little furnished duplex (that had already been pre-leased for the fall semester) to an empty one-bedroom apartment 3 blocks from our construction nightmare, I mean, castle-to-be. Since our material life is still in storage, we’re using bits and pieces of furniture I’ve collected lately. This includes 4 chairs and 2 lamps from the MTV Real World house (these have been thoroughly sanitized) and a chair and a small table from my current landlord. Our super comfy bed was moved over from our studio in addition to lots of baby stuff. In an effort to nest, an instinct that can evolve into very unhealthy behavior if not given some attention, I have hung up ALL of Junebug’s clothing. This includes bibs, side snap shirts, gowns, onesies, pants, overalls, etc. I realize that these articles of clothing have a place in a dresser drawer but a) the dresser is still in storage, b) I have lost track of what Junebug has gotten over the past couple of months, and c) I just want to see all of those little things in plain site and daydream about them covering tiny arms and legs. Oh, there’s not actually a rod in the closet yet to hang these on so they’re teetering on the edge of a shelf. It’s the best this mommy-to-be can do.
A collection of my sisters-in-law (I have 8 now, I think) threw us a baby shower the same evening that we moved (can you say POOPED?). Junebug scored the Pack N Play (portable play pen for those who aren’t in the baby know) and an awesome swing outfitted with enough bells and whistles to keep mommy and daddy entertained. We got lots of clothes (hope the baby just LOVES yellow!) and keepsakes made by the hands of some very talented and wonderful women. Junebug even got a handmade sock monkey that I will be using over the next couple of weeks to practice swaddling.

The construction is moving along nicely, according to my designer/keeper of some of my deep, dark secrets. She's been in town this week to spank the contractors and their crews. I think they like the spankings. She's picked out the carpet, tiles, fixtures, hardware and so on and so on. I get so excited everytime she shows me something and then I run to my apartment hideout and wait for her to call to show me more stuff. I like it this way. I'm not cut out for this house remodeling stuff. No thanks and never again.