It wasn’t just any cookie. It was the one you get when you shell out $130 to stay at a Doubletree Hotel. But I didn’t have to plop down the cash for it. I got to eat it at my desk at work and it seemed fresh out of a some mysterious oven (what oven where, I'm not sure). Of course I would’ve rather been lying in the hotel’s giant, cozy bed someone else was going to have to make the next morning and mindlessly pump the channels on the remote while eating said cookie but I’m just grateful that the cookie showed up out of nowhere in it’s own little brown paper sack with "Eat Me" practially written all over it. Oh, and here are a few of the ingredients…sugar, brown sugar, Ghirardelli Chocolate Chips, walnuts, and cinnamon. Could you just die? Type on the bag says, “In other words, we think cookies are the perfect way for us to say “Welcome.” I say, “Welcome to my gullet.”
I haven’t mentioned any progress on the construction of our house lately because it has become an unbearable topic to address without tears and the ripping out of new prenatal hair growth. I had begun referring to the project as “taking the Autobahn to divorce court,” but for the safety of others and my own sanity, I have recently removed myself from the speeding car. I am no longer a passenger, driver, or infant in the car seat. My husband is now in charge of all decisions being made with the help of one very talented designer (“Holly, you are THE BEST!”) and someday, hopefully before Halloween, Christmas or New Years 2008, our home will be completed (and it won’t resemble Lampoon’s Animal House). In the meantime, I am pretending that I have a nest to feather for the baby (due in 7 weeks!), going through the motions of preparing for it's arrival (i.e., laundry and completion of birth plan) and exhausting the Serenity Prayer.
This is my wonderful designer in her kick ass Van Halen t-shirt circa 1984.

This is the guy taking over the house remodel. Am I in trouble? You bet!